Tuesday 2 July 2013


DAY 2- Spreading Smiles!
By Shireen Gul
On Day 2 of Summer Camp 2013, young children arrived at the venue half an hour before the activities were to begin and lent a hand to the organizers in arranging the event. During the course of the day, those children participated in the arena of activities with the same vigor as on Day 1.  As the clock struck 5:30 p.m., the children filled the air with colours by making beautiful cards for their parents. The cards carried heart-fluttering messages for the parents they loved more, and the children pledged to give the cards in the hands of the parents for whom they were made. The snapshots of this activity show a glimpse of happiness of the participants at the sight of their crafts.
After that, the children joyfully participated in the photo booth activity by posing individually for funny pictures, wearing accessories like paper crowns, mustaches, beards and glasses.
The children then had a break in which they enjoyed their snacks while smiling innocently at one another, and having a chit chat with each other.
The day ended with a group photo of all the participants of the Summer Camp, which depicted the jolly experience of the children.

Day 2 of Summer Camp 2013 presented an ideal day of a child’s life, because such activities allow proper psychological development of children.

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