Wednesday 2 October 2013

International Charity Day

Fight Poverty, Give Charity!
Poverty exists everywhere. It’s the harsh reality of every country of the world regardless of their economic, social and cultural situation but the condition is alarming in developing countries. To alleviate poverty and humanitarian crisis in its true sense giving charity is the only possible solution.
In recognition of the role of charity in promoting equity and relieving the masses of the world from the shackles of extreme poverty and human suffering, the General Assembly of United Nations in its resolution designated the 5th of September, the ‎anniversary of the death of Mother Teresa, as the International Day of Charity.‎ To commemorate the day in an  appropriate  manner, on this International Day of Charity United Nations invites all the member states , regional and international organizations, non-governmental organizations, civil society, philanthropists and individuals. Many such activities were organized to promote charity through public awareness and finding ways to make Universal education possible in order to fight poverty.

A Pakistani organization Muslim Aid has organized an event to promote charity and expressed its commitment to encourage and motivate for charitable work for the benefit of all those who are suffering due to this menace.

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